Thursday, May 20, 2010

DAY ELEVEN: May 20th

thursday may 20
finally, i've caught up on the blog. sorry for any confusion.

weight today: 144.4 ! first time i've been under 145 since 2006.

back to the beginning of the DVD cycle: plyometric cardio circuit. definitely nowhere near easy, but much more tolerable than a week ago.there may be hope for me yet.

i'm going to need suggestions for motivating workout music cause i will need to mute these DVDs in a couple more days...
listening to VH1 for ideas while i blog and there's this new alicia keys song about inter-racial dating and how taboo it was for her family no matter what decade it was... when the video gets to the current decade she finally has the courage to do what she wants and go out with the person regardless of what her family thinks.
the irony is not lost on me here.

DAY TEN: May 19th

wednesday may 19th
tough day for me, so this was an appropriate workout: pure cardio.

let me just start by saying i would have never made it through this workout had i not needed an ass-kicking to keep my brain from thinking so much today.

by the end of the workout, i'm pretty sure that the black chick is gonna kill shaun T, that bitch is cold-blooded. everyone in the workout video had to stop, and while tonya the robot never stopped, her high kicks were looking a little sloppy there for a minute. maybe she's human after all... shaun T even forgot the names of the exercises during the workout.
pretty effing insane.

i feel awesome (physically) and i'm starting to see a 4 pack. haven't seen that since George W had the popular vote...

DAY NINE: May 18th

Tuesday May 18th
the doctors have started making fun of the way i walk - it's pretty comical. but wait, how do they know i don't just have a bad hip??

home to work out. the blessed arrival of the cardio recovery tape. this tape is my favorite. mostly because my heart just doesn't work at full capacity right now. which is the whole reason i started this little venture. (but that's a story for a private blog.)

but i digress, this tape is like yoga for badasses. it's seriously awesome and i may just start doing it in the evenings before i go to bed (or work, if i'm lucky enough to be scheduled that night)

i'm at the point where i look forward to doing the workouts which is a huge accomplishment in itself...


guess i should appropriately label my blog entries since it's automatically dating them for me and i'm such a procrastinator i don't even blog in a timely fashion.
this entry is for monday may 17
cardio power and resistance
i've learned i cannot fight gravity with my upper arms and it's extremely tiresome to resist my own body weight.
i'm really starting to dislike tonya (skinny crazed asian robot in the workout videos)
i'm getting extremely discouraged and wish i had started with something a little less insane like power 90 and worked my way up to INSANITY. but i'm already in this, so may as well push through...

definitely liking the new diet too.
it's a good thing i like cottage cheese.

Monday, May 17, 2010


home from my 5th shift of the week... about 25 hours overtime. and i'm not really sure i should have been driving...

while it is only the third day of INSANITY videos, it's my 7th day of the week and sunday and i decided to take the day off so i will be on the recommended 6 days on - 1 day off schedule.

plus, i can't walk. i mean seriously. my calf muscles have never hurt so bad in my life. i've taken my maximum allowed dosage of ibuprofen, stretched more, and still can't move. with other workouts i have had the standard quadricep soreness, can't walk upstairs, sit down or get up from the toilet... but this time, it hurts to just walk, and most especially down the stairs...

i'm exhausted from work and just going to sleep all day and worry about the rest tomorrow...


4th night shift this week and i forced myself to stay awake and workout when i got home.
first real INSANITY workout... 40 minutes of non-stop craziness.
i'm not sure if i've ever sweat that much during a workout. yes, i know, that's gross.
i felt great finishing the workout even though towards the end i really couldn't keep up. too fast and my muscles have thrown in the towel. i love shaun t's workouts because he uses yoga stretches and you feel like you're still doing work

definitely need to make some more room in the living room for these exercises...

Friday, May 14, 2010


INSANITY came in the mail last night
i read through the information and the nutrition plan - made some notes about foods i thought i could tolerate and ordered groceries online (which is way better than going to the store) it never fails that i'm starving when i go to the grocery store; it makes the grocery bill increase exponentially... plus, when i make a list and look for the specific items online, i'm less tempted to buy junk food along the way. not to mention beer or wine.

i started a food journal. my weight today was 145. and by some magic formula, it means i should drink 72 oz of water and by another fancy formula, i should eat 1700 calories a day.

an hour of digestion a quick warm up with some stretching and the fit test begins. i really feel like i may vomit towards the end of the test and for an hour after.
98 switch kicks (pretty sure my legs didn't get off the ground enough)
27 power jacks (basically an extremely difficult squat)
60 power knees (probably didn't get my knees high enough toward the end)
22 power jumps (definitely felt the force of gravity on these)
7 globe jumps (gonna need to work on the workout space as i was afraid of hitting the fan)
4 push up jacks (i was def exhausted by this point and my form was awful on most of these)
25 low plank obliques (not a bad way to end the workout)
note to self, get a mirror so i can make sure my form is accurate... really no point in half-assing these exercises now that i've jumped into the deep end
anyone have a gym with a tv and dvd player i can use?

breakfast: 0730 (an hour before the workout, per recommendations)
2 slices whole wheat toast
2 tbsp blackberry jam
[320 calories]

midday snack: 1000
whole wheat pasta
balsamic vinegar
feta cheese crumbles
[300 calories]

lunch: 1200
6 slices turkey
1 tsp wasabi horseradish
1 tsp mustard
6 asparagus spears with lime juice and pepper
[200 calories]

now the problem comes because i have to work tonight so i will sleep through the mid-afternoon snack and then grab dinner on the way to work and try to stay up all night without eating...

Thursday, May 13, 2010


switching back to "normal sleeping hours" sucks!
i am exhausted. not to mention my quads are killing me.
i was able to drag myself along the treadmill for 20 minutes. 10 minutes at the "10" incline, and then 10 minutes walking a 1/2 mile - total 1 mile. it's amazing how slow time moves on a treadmill. i did manage to do some ab stuff on the giant ball.

i had planned to go to the beach and practice some heliolatry - but no. my director called me in for a meeing - at 1pm - in the middle of the sun's business hours. who knows what this will be about...

then i'm off to get the big Diesel - shopping at petsmart for him and champ (the Beta fish) and them some socialization (for Diesel, not champ the beta fish) at red's and wild wings.

good news from the garden - 3 of my potted bulbs are sprouting and have leaves and there's one teeny tiny sprout of rosemary in the herb garden. this may be the only things i've managed to successfully grow from seeds or bulbs.

now i'm off to work up the energy to drive all the way to work, on my day off :(

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


after 3 night shifts in a row at nameless medical center and sitting in an hour of traffic anxiously awaiting the arrival of THE VIDEOS, i purposefully took the ravenel bridge route home. for some reason driving over the harbor and seeing all the motivated people running and biking the bridge inspires me to do the same.
however, when i get home, i can't wait to get out of the car... but in order to get back on a "normal human schedule", i force myself to get on the treadmill and catch up on LOST and criminal minds.
i managed to run a 12 minute mile and then walk a 15 minute mile (in my reebok toning shoes, no less) before i felt i was going to trail off the back of the treadmill into the corner of the room in a pile.
still fighting the draw of the couch, i ran my errands at the hardware store and tar-jay for some gardening and house cleaning stuff. (i'm convinced i'm burning more calories because i'm still wearing my workout clothes and the reebok toning shoes.)
i finished the window boxes and the flower beds and hoping something will grow other than weeds...
finally, i worked up the nerve to take AP and Lateral "before" pics (hospital humor... definitely better understood if you worked the last 3 night shifts) let's just say i MAY get the nerve to post "before" pictures IF the "after" pictures show a vast improvement.
starting weight for this little 60-day venture: 146.7# (5' 8")
tomorrow's goal = take my measurements
(with some magical fairy dust and wishful thinking, i won't lose any inches in the bust region...)

NO energy for the beach today; maybe tomorrow after i tackle the IRS to reclaim the refund that is rightfully mine.

looking forward to pj's and the couch with a glass of red wine (because it's less calories, not because it's better than beer)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


so i'm finally home from the night shift again...

my main problem is the 1 1/2 hours i spend in traffic on the way home from work everyday. i have no idea where all these people come from... with all the backroads, main roads, highways and interstates i can choose from to get to my blessed couch, it's a friggin parking lot on each and every one. no matter which route i try to create to get home, it just ain't happenin' in a reasonable amount of time.

i've resigned to joining a gym next to the hospital that will remain nameless so i can spend time more productively exercising, rather than riding the bumper of the car in front of me at 5 miles an hour.

it has now recently dawned on me: what do i do after the 60 days? assuming i complete the program... is there a "phase 2" i can progress to? or do i just keep replaying the same dvd's?

Monday, May 10, 2010


after working the night shift in the ICU (at a hospital that will remain nameless) i've seen more infomercials that i can stand. i leave work feeling horrible about myself: my lack of cardio stamina, sexual stamina, make up coverage, hair style, and even my penis size... which i don't even have.
that being said, i've finally been convinced to dedicate my life to INSANITY with Sean T. for the next 60 days. INSANITY looked like faster results with less required "extras" - like a pull-up bar or a dumbell rack longer than my couch...
since it takes 7 days for delivery, i feel the need to do some low-grade cardio workouts in an attempt to prepare my body for DAY ONE so as not to keel over from a massive coronary before i finish the first workout.
i'm also dreading the publication of my "before" photo...
it's now 10am and i worked all last night and i'm scheduled to work tonight so i am headed to bed for now...