Thursday, May 13, 2010


switching back to "normal sleeping hours" sucks!
i am exhausted. not to mention my quads are killing me.
i was able to drag myself along the treadmill for 20 minutes. 10 minutes at the "10" incline, and then 10 minutes walking a 1/2 mile - total 1 mile. it's amazing how slow time moves on a treadmill. i did manage to do some ab stuff on the giant ball.

i had planned to go to the beach and practice some heliolatry - but no. my director called me in for a meeing - at 1pm - in the middle of the sun's business hours. who knows what this will be about...

then i'm off to get the big Diesel - shopping at petsmart for him and champ (the Beta fish) and them some socialization (for Diesel, not champ the beta fish) at red's and wild wings.

good news from the garden - 3 of my potted bulbs are sprouting and have leaves and there's one teeny tiny sprout of rosemary in the herb garden. this may be the only things i've managed to successfully grow from seeds or bulbs.

now i'm off to work up the energy to drive all the way to work, on my day off :(

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