Monday, May 17, 2010


home from my 5th shift of the week... about 25 hours overtime. and i'm not really sure i should have been driving...

while it is only the third day of INSANITY videos, it's my 7th day of the week and sunday and i decided to take the day off so i will be on the recommended 6 days on - 1 day off schedule.

plus, i can't walk. i mean seriously. my calf muscles have never hurt so bad in my life. i've taken my maximum allowed dosage of ibuprofen, stretched more, and still can't move. with other workouts i have had the standard quadricep soreness, can't walk upstairs, sit down or get up from the toilet... but this time, it hurts to just walk, and most especially down the stairs...

i'm exhausted from work and just going to sleep all day and worry about the rest tomorrow...

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