Friday, May 14, 2010


INSANITY came in the mail last night
i read through the information and the nutrition plan - made some notes about foods i thought i could tolerate and ordered groceries online (which is way better than going to the store) it never fails that i'm starving when i go to the grocery store; it makes the grocery bill increase exponentially... plus, when i make a list and look for the specific items online, i'm less tempted to buy junk food along the way. not to mention beer or wine.

i started a food journal. my weight today was 145. and by some magic formula, it means i should drink 72 oz of water and by another fancy formula, i should eat 1700 calories a day.

an hour of digestion a quick warm up with some stretching and the fit test begins. i really feel like i may vomit towards the end of the test and for an hour after.
98 switch kicks (pretty sure my legs didn't get off the ground enough)
27 power jacks (basically an extremely difficult squat)
60 power knees (probably didn't get my knees high enough toward the end)
22 power jumps (definitely felt the force of gravity on these)
7 globe jumps (gonna need to work on the workout space as i was afraid of hitting the fan)
4 push up jacks (i was def exhausted by this point and my form was awful on most of these)
25 low plank obliques (not a bad way to end the workout)
note to self, get a mirror so i can make sure my form is accurate... really no point in half-assing these exercises now that i've jumped into the deep end
anyone have a gym with a tv and dvd player i can use?

breakfast: 0730 (an hour before the workout, per recommendations)
2 slices whole wheat toast
2 tbsp blackberry jam
[320 calories]

midday snack: 1000
whole wheat pasta
balsamic vinegar
feta cheese crumbles
[300 calories]

lunch: 1200
6 slices turkey
1 tsp wasabi horseradish
1 tsp mustard
6 asparagus spears with lime juice and pepper
[200 calories]

now the problem comes because i have to work tonight so i will sleep through the mid-afternoon snack and then grab dinner on the way to work and try to stay up all night without eating...

1 comment:

  1. so impressed and inspired!!! You're a badass to commit to this. I've recently re-committed to my fitness program as well. We'll be smokin' in no time! In the mean time you're going to keep me motivated!!

