Thursday, May 20, 2010

DAY ELEVEN: May 20th

thursday may 20
finally, i've caught up on the blog. sorry for any confusion.

weight today: 144.4 ! first time i've been under 145 since 2006.

back to the beginning of the DVD cycle: plyometric cardio circuit. definitely nowhere near easy, but much more tolerable than a week ago.there may be hope for me yet.

i'm going to need suggestions for motivating workout music cause i will need to mute these DVDs in a couple more days...
listening to VH1 for ideas while i blog and there's this new alicia keys song about inter-racial dating and how taboo it was for her family no matter what decade it was... when the video gets to the current decade she finally has the courage to do what she wants and go out with the person regardless of what her family thinks.
the irony is not lost on me here.

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