Wednesday, May 12, 2010


after 3 night shifts in a row at nameless medical center and sitting in an hour of traffic anxiously awaiting the arrival of THE VIDEOS, i purposefully took the ravenel bridge route home. for some reason driving over the harbor and seeing all the motivated people running and biking the bridge inspires me to do the same.
however, when i get home, i can't wait to get out of the car... but in order to get back on a "normal human schedule", i force myself to get on the treadmill and catch up on LOST and criminal minds.
i managed to run a 12 minute mile and then walk a 15 minute mile (in my reebok toning shoes, no less) before i felt i was going to trail off the back of the treadmill into the corner of the room in a pile.
still fighting the draw of the couch, i ran my errands at the hardware store and tar-jay for some gardening and house cleaning stuff. (i'm convinced i'm burning more calories because i'm still wearing my workout clothes and the reebok toning shoes.)
i finished the window boxes and the flower beds and hoping something will grow other than weeds...
finally, i worked up the nerve to take AP and Lateral "before" pics (hospital humor... definitely better understood if you worked the last 3 night shifts) let's just say i MAY get the nerve to post "before" pictures IF the "after" pictures show a vast improvement.
starting weight for this little 60-day venture: 146.7# (5' 8")
tomorrow's goal = take my measurements
(with some magical fairy dust and wishful thinking, i won't lose any inches in the bust region...)

NO energy for the beach today; maybe tomorrow after i tackle the IRS to reclaim the refund that is rightfully mine.

looking forward to pj's and the couch with a glass of red wine (because it's less calories, not because it's better than beer)

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