Tuesday, May 11, 2010


so i'm finally home from the night shift again...

my main problem is the 1 1/2 hours i spend in traffic on the way home from work everyday. i have no idea where all these people come from... with all the backroads, main roads, highways and interstates i can choose from to get to my blessed couch, it's a friggin parking lot on each and every one. no matter which route i try to create to get home, it just ain't happenin' in a reasonable amount of time.

i've resigned to joining a gym next to the hospital that will remain nameless so i can spend time more productively exercising, rather than riding the bumper of the car in front of me at 5 miles an hour.

it has now recently dawned on me: what do i do after the 60 days? assuming i complete the program... is there a "phase 2" i can progress to? or do i just keep replaying the same dvd's?

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