Thursday, May 20, 2010

DAY TEN: May 19th

wednesday may 19th
tough day for me, so this was an appropriate workout: pure cardio.

let me just start by saying i would have never made it through this workout had i not needed an ass-kicking to keep my brain from thinking so much today.

by the end of the workout, i'm pretty sure that the black chick is gonna kill shaun T, that bitch is cold-blooded. everyone in the workout video had to stop, and while tonya the robot never stopped, her high kicks were looking a little sloppy there for a minute. maybe she's human after all... shaun T even forgot the names of the exercises during the workout.
pretty effing insane.

i feel awesome (physically) and i'm starting to see a 4 pack. haven't seen that since George W had the popular vote...

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